fortiss scientific publications

Scientific publications

Publications, journal articles and brochures with results from the institute

Scientific publications

Keywords: nc

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  • 2013 Automatic Performance Model Generation for Java Enterprise Edition (EE) Applications Andreas Brunnert, Christian Vögele and Helmut Krcmar In MariaSimonetta Balsamo, William J. Knottenbelt and Andrea Marin, editor, Computer Performance Engineering, 10th European Workshop on Performance Engineering, volume 8168 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 74-88. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Details DOI BIB
  • 2013 Emergency Shutdown System Demonstrator using AutoFOCUS3 Anton Hattendorf and Sebastian Voss In Proceedings of the W8 Workshop on Industry-Driven Approaches for Cost-effective Certification of Safety-Critical, Mixed-Criticality Systems (WICERT) (co-located with DATE), Details BIB