fortiss Transfer


From research into practice

The transfer of knowledge from cutting-edge and relevant research and development results to industry, and their practical application, is the key to providing sustainable innovation impulses for digital issues in the future.

The research institute of the Free State of Bavaria for software-intensive systems is a professional point of contact and research partner for addressing challenging issues within several core areas of expertise: software and systems engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT). In addition, fortiss offers a comprehensive transfer program that helps companies develop software-based products and services.

Since its creation in 2008, the institute has carried out more than 350 publicly-financed alliance research projects on behalf of numerous partners. Within the framework of direct research contracts, fortiss cooperates with a wide range of leading technology companies in the automobile, aerospace, manufacturing, medical technology and energy industries, as well as public administration organizations.

fortiss Transfer services

The fortiss transfer services cover a divers range of information, qualifications, funding opportunities and implementation options for research projects targeted at companies in various industries.

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fortiss Transfer Services


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