Requirements Engineering

Requirements Engineering

Efficiently deal with volatile and heterogeneous requirements

Requirements Engineering

In the Requirements Engineering field of competence, we concentrate on developing practice-relevant approaches to efficiently deal with requirements in the early stages of software development, which is unpredictable, user-centric and often data-dominated.

The early stages of development of software-intensive systems – often simply labeled as Requirements Engineering (RE) - are a critical determinant for software quality. Many projects nevertheless still suffer from insufficient RE. One-third of software development errors are estimated to have their origin in RE and one-third of these errors are known to lead to project failures.

In a world pervaded by software, and where the majority of our daily routines are supported – if not dominated – by software-intensive systems, excellence in RE becomes key. While it’s common knowledge that various influences in industrial practices, surrounding development processes, and tools render standardization efforts of RE approaches cumbersome, much of today’s research in RE still relies on conventional and often purely academic knowledge that result in the recommendation of universal, one-size-fits- all approaches. Closing this gap between theory and practice is the high-level goal of Requirements Engineering field of competence where we strive to move from a traditional RE with universal solutions, to a next generation RE to accommodate the needs to today’s software development projects.

Our research activities place special emphasis on collaboration with the relevant industries and focuses on three larger (interrelated) thematic areas:

  1. RE in highly regulated environments (including concepts and tools to ensure regulatory compliance in Requirements Engineering)
  2. RE in data-driven environments (including concepts and tools for automation in RE and its quality assurance as well as RE for AI-intensive software systems)
  3. RE in user-centered environments (including concepts and techniques for problem exploration such as design thinking and their integration into model-based engineering approaches)
Requirements Engineering infografic

Further information

fortiss Whitepaper Requirements Engineering
Whitepaper Requirements Engineering
fortiss Whitepaper QuickCheck Digitalisierung (German)
Whitepaper QuickCheck Digitalisierung

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fortiss Hot Spot MLOps - Experiences in engineering AI-enabled systems,2022
Prof. Dr. Daniel Mendez

Your contact

Prof. Dr. Daniel Mendez

+49 89 3603522 168

