Independent expert network for agriculture in the age of digitalization
Today’s markets place increasingly high demands on the quality and sustainability of agriculture products. At the same time, farm operations must adhere to an ever broader range of requirements, rules and guidelines.
For the 100,000 farmers and companies in Bavaria, one of the increasingly important factors to success is the availability, particularly on a short-term basis, of comprehensive and current information related to all areas of the agriculture value chain, which is possible only through the interplay of digitalization and (manufacturer) independent consulting.
In this project, fortiss works with its partners to research and develop initial approaches for delivering independent, digitally-supported agriculture services.
The idea is to provide a way to help farmers and independent consultants communicate and meet their documentation obligations and thus be in a position to satisfy relevant legal requirements. The project serves as the first step in the development of an underlying strategy to systematically, and step-by-step, make the scope of services from digital technologies available. This includes both existing services and others that are anticipated to be available in the future (Agriculture 4.0).
fortiss’ contribution involves the initial creation of semantic correlations for entire agriculture processes using ontology learning. We also operate a requirements management system, in which we turn information acquired through research, surveys and discussions with experts, farmers and consultants into a machine-readable form that can be universally processed, thus making agricultural expert knowledge available for access through the digital network.
Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (STMELF)
Funding programme: Funding of agricultural research by the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (STMELF)
01.01.2017 - 31.10.2020