Incubator and multiplier for modern software engineering in the automotive sector


Value creation in the automotive industry is taking place through digitized, software-driven mobility services. Accordingly, the scope and complexity of software in the vehicle is increasing. Short release cycles, efficient software integration and online updates will determine the position of the German economy in global competition in the future.

Project description

The Transformation Hub Automotive Software Engineering (TASTE) pursues the long-term goals of establishing software development (SWE) as a strategic first-level topic in the automotive sector and establishing an industry-wide SWE culture. During the period of the project, the Hub will act as an incubator and multiplier for modern SWE methods and strengthen the automotive sector's competencies for integrating software along the value chain and product lifecycle.

The Transformation Hub Automotive Software Engineering fills a gap in the competence and networking landscape of the German automotive industry. SWE is at cross-purposes to the established engineering domains in the automotive industry and has not yet been reflected in supplier structures or their associations and committees.

Research contribution

The transformation and knowledge transfer concept comprises four fields of action:

  • Matching needs and offerings
  • Training and skills
  • Transformation and scaling
  • Networks

For matching, a hub of stakeholder needs and existing offerings is developed and linked. Skills and training will be used to transfer competencies and knowledge of results and solutions from research and development for the hub's target groups. For transformation and scaling, transformation potentials will be demonstrated to companies, transformations will be initiated, and solutions will be scaled. Networks will be used to link both the hub with the various target groups and the target groups with each other in order to generate multiplier effects.


Project duration

01.11.2022 – 30.06.2025

Dr. Severin Kacianka

Your contact

Dr. Severin Kacianka

+49 89 3603522 286

More information

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