Cross-Factory Information Exchange for Cloud-Based Monitoring of Collaborative Manufacturing Networks

Nisrine Bnouhanna and Georg Neugschwandtner

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA),

September 2019 · Zaragoza, Spain


Cloud-based platforms and ecosystems are widely considered as a means of supporting collaborative manufacturing networks (CMN) among companies and, in particular, manufacturing SMEs. Due to the spatial separation of manufacturing activities among the CMN partners, there is a need for monitoring and coordinating the collaborative manufacturing processes. However, little research investigates inter-enterprise information exchange systems required for such monitoring and coordination. This paper proposes an approach for cross-factory information exchange considering connectivity and interoperability between various factory data sources and cloud-based collaborative production monitoring services. The paper also introduces a cross-factory information exchange mechanism, meta-models, and architecture to facilitate the ad-hoc, target specific data exchange and addresses SMEs’ adoption barriers, namely trust, security, data control, and integration efforts. A proof of concept of the proposed approach is presented.