Low-Redundancy Realization of Safety-Critical Automotive Functions

Simon Barner , Stefan Matthes , Holger Dormann , Angelika Schingale , Eberhard Kaulfersch , Michael Eichhorst , Lutz Scheiter , Holger Schmidt and Jürgen Gebert

MikroSystemTechnik (MST) Kongress,

November 2021


We propose a low-redundancy architecture for safety-critical automotive functions that is motivated by the discrepancy of fail-operational requirements of autonomous driving (AD) applications, and the market’s cost pressure. We base on low-overhead monitoring structures for thermomechanical fatigue that generate data to predict the remaining useful life-time (RUL) for individual elements. It is analysed in a cloud backend by means of a machine-learning model trained with data from accelerated aging tests and finite elements (FE) simulations. We employ model-based engineering to automatically synthesize a reconfiguration strategy that maximizes the remaining system utility by relocating software components from processing elements with impending failures. For evaluation, we consider the reconfiguration of a critical software component, and the integration of the low-redundancy monitoring concept into an electric power steering (EPS).

subject terms: fail-operational architecture; predictive maintenance; system reconfiguration

url: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9698290/