Multimodal Binding of Parameters for Task-Based Robot Programming Based on Semantic Descriptions of Modalities and Parameter Types

Alexander Perzylo , Nikhil Somani , Stefan Profanter , Markus Rickert and Alois Knoll

Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal Semantics for Robotic Systems, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),

September 2015 · Hamburg, Germany


In this paper, we describe our ongoing efforts to design a cognition-enabled industrial robotic workcell, which significantly increases the efficiency of teaching and adapting robot tasks. We have designed a formalism to match task parameter and input modality types, in order to infer suitable means for binding values to those parameters. All modalities are integrated through a graphical user interface, which a human operator can use to program industrial robots in an intuitive way by arbitrarily choosing modalities according to his or her preference.

subject terms: robotics, smerobotics
