Understanding the Performance Behavior of a SAP ERP System for the Use of Queuing Models

Stephan Gradl , Manuel Mayer , Alexandru Danciu , Holger Wittges and Helmut Krcmar

10th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, pp. 361-370



ERP systems support the management of a company's resources. As a large number of business-relevant processes are supported by ERP systems, the performance and availability of those systems is crucial for the success of a company (Apache Software Foundation 2010). We analyze the response time of 49350 requests. Furthermore, we interpret the system's internal behavior by fetching and analyzing the statistical data. As results we can show that queuing models can be used for evaluating the performance of SAP ERP systems as the response time behavior follows the assumptions of queuing theory, resulting in nearly constant resource consumption per user interaction task, independent of the number of parallel requests. By analyzing the reasons for these results, important insights into the performance behavior of SAP ERP systems for performance analysis and prediction are achieved.

url: http://vmkrcmar23.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/1986/