fortiss scientific publications

Scientific publications

Publications, journal articles and brochures with results from the institute

Scientific publications

Keywords: robotics

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  • March 2019 Body Randomization Reduces the Sim-to-Real Gap for Compliant Quadruped Locomotion Alexander Vandersompele , Gabriel Urbain , Hossain Mahmud , Francis Wyffels and Joni Dambre Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 13():, March 2019. Details URL PDF DOI BIB
  • March 2019 The Collaborative Virtual Reality Neurorobotics Lab Tim Weissker , Emmanouil Angelidis , Alexander Kulik , Stephan Beck , Andre Kunert , Anton Frolov , Sandro Weber , Adrian Kreskowski and Bernd Froehlich In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), pages 1671–1674, Osaka, Japan, March 2019. IEEE. Details URL PDF DOI BIB
  • February 2019 Wissensbasierte digitale Unterstützung in der Pflanzenbauberatung Anahita Nafissi , Fabian Weckesser , Ingmar Kessler , Markus Rickert , Matthias Pfaff , Sebastian Peisl and Michael Beck In Andreas Meyer-Aurich , Markus Gandorfer , Norbert Barta , Andreas Gronauer , Jochen Kantelhardt and Helga Floto , editor, Referate der 39. GIL-Jahrestagung in Wien: Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft Fokus: Digitalisierung für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe in kleinstrukturierten Regionen – ein Widerspruch in sich?, volume 287 of Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages 145–150. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, February 2019. Details URL BIB
  • February 2019 OPC UA versus ROS, DDS, and MQTT: Performance Evaluation of Industry 4.0 Protocols Stefan Profanter , Ayhun Tekat , Kirill Dorofeev , Markus Rickert and Alois Knoll In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Melbourne, Australia, February 2019. Details DOI BIB