A head start through software
As the Research Institute of the Free State of Bavaria for software-intensive Systems, fortiss stands for application-oriented cutting-edge research and sets standards in the research and transfer of highly innovative technologies. In close cooperation with academic and practice-oriented partners, we act as a bridge between science and industry and develop excellent solutions for the most pressing challenges of the digital world.
Our main research areas are Software & Systems Engineering, AI Engineering and IoT Engineering and our expertise extends across industries in the automotive, energy, aerospace, manufacturing, finance, insurance, public sector and healthcare sectors. fortiss plays a central role in transferring and strengthening digital skills, especially among SMEs and start-ups.
fortiss is a non-profit limited company, two thirds of whose shareholders are the Free State of Bavaria and one third the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. We are a scientific institution of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and have the status of an associated institute. fortiss is institutionally funded by the Free State of Bavaria, which is represented here by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (StMWi) and the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Homeland Affairs (StMFH).
Senior research fellow
Advanced Systems Engineering
Technical University of Munich
Research fellow
Renewable and sustainable energy systems
Technical University of Munich
Research fellow
Software Engineering for Business Information Systems
Technical University of Munich
Research Fellow
Inductive Programming
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg