Transformation into the AI Era: Digitization and Intelligent Systems
Artificial intelligence methods offer enormous potential to lead industrial production into a new age. The opportunities and possibilities are numerous and range from making production more flexible, increasing resource and energy efficiency, to developing new business models. Take your company into a new era with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).
By participating in the AI Summer School, you will learn all about corresponding opportunities and risks and which skills and mindsets are necessary to successfully implement such a transformation.
The AI Summer School is organized by fortiss together with Bayern Innovativ, Bayerische Gesellschaft für Innovation und Wissenstransfer mbH and the KI-Produktionsnetzwerk Augsburg.
The KI-Produktionsnetzwerk Augsburg, established by the Bavarian government, is a network of numerous AI competence providers in the Augsburg area. Network partners include the University of Augsburg, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and various non-university research institutions such as Fraunhofer FIT, Fraunhofer IGCV and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Regional industrial partners are also involved. The goal is joint research into AI-based production technologies at the interface between materials, manufacturing technologies and data-based modeling.
Spend three days learning and working together with experts from academia and practice. Network with knowledge holders and experience an exceptional social program.
The keynote speaker of the AI Summer School is Professor Dr. Elisabeth André, Chair of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence at the University of Augsburg. As an expert in "Intelligent User Interfaces", "Virtual Agents" and "Social Computing", she researches various aspects as well as new technical methods of human-computer interaction in order to make the use of technical devices easier and more natural for humans. She is a Leibniz prizewinner and was selected by the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. as one of the "Ten Formative Minds" of German AI research.
July 13 - 15 2022,
08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.
fortiss GmbH
Guerickestraße 25
80805 Munich
Augsburg Innovationspark GmbH
Am Technologiezentrum 5
86159 Augsburg
Partner in the Mechatronics & Automation Cluster:: 1.250,00 €/1.487,50 €
Non-partner: 1.500,00 €/1.785,00 €
You can book your participation in the AI Summer School directly under the following link.
Overnight stay and transfer