Edge to Cloud Orchestration (ECO)
Interconnecting a plethora of data sources, devices, and sensors in the current Internet of Things (IoT)-driven Internet era, has introduced new challenges concerning resource and data management in an efficient, yet trustworthy manner. The Cloud-Edge Orchestration establishes a new paradigm that allows for edge devices (IoT, sensors etc) even in wide scale implementations to exploit the computational and storage capacity of the cloud without trading response times, latency, and bandwidth.
This workshop aims to shed light on the particular aspects of orchestration that deal with fundamental challenges in the Edge-Cloud continuum such as efficient resource and network bandwidth utilization, microservices deployment, data management, adaptive and automated cross-layer configuration, anomaly detection, and security. Paradigms that concern specific use-case applications, pragmatical evaluation and experimentation, are of special interest for this workshop. We also encourage theoretical contributions, such as ML approaches for resource-constraint environments, distributed learning and optimization.
The workshop coincides with the 29th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) and aims to strengthen the research agenda in the field by bringing together industrial and academic stakeholders, developers and research project participants.
2, boulevard Blaise Pascal
Cité Descartes - BP 99
93162 Noisy le Grand Cedex
See registration fees (Workshop)
Researchers, engineers
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)
Edge to Cloud Orchestration (ECO)
14:00 – 14:15 h Welcoming
14:15 – 14:45 h Session 1: CONASENSE – international perspectives on 6G (30 min.)
Invited speakers from the CONASENSE community will bring the perspective on the current 6G roadmaps and country challenges:
Perspectives on 6G in India, Dr. Vandana Rohokale (SITS, India) (10 min.)
Perspectives on 6G in Brazil, Dr. Christian Esteve Rothenberg (SMARTNESS/UNICAMP, Brazil) (10 min.)
Q & A (10 min.)
14:45 – 15:30 h Session 2: CONASENSE – advanced topics
Invited speakers from the CONASENSE community will bring a technological perspective on key CONASENSE topics (sensing, communications, satellites and navigation, services).