Machine Learning Training Camp
Our ML training camp provides participants the mathematical foundation and basic technologies of machine learning, beginning with common tools for dimensionality reduction, to current deep learning approaches and reinforcement learning.
Due to the current situation regarding the coronavirus, the event will be postponed to another date. The exact dates will be announced later.
fortiss Highlight-Towers
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 6
80807 München
German (presentation slides in English)
3.500,- EUR for both modules
Module 1 only: 1.800,- EUR
Training and education background in one of the MINT disciplines, particularly a basic understanding of mathematical analyses, linear algebra and probability theory
Module 1
learning objectives Overview of ML concepts and methods. Participants will be able to answer the question, “What do models and algorithms mean, especially in the context of machine learning?” Participants will also be able to develop and apply simple models.
Module 2
learning objectives Participants become familiar with more complex ML applications, such as through deep learning models in industrial environments. Upon completion of Module 2, participants will be able to comprehend advanced ML concepts.