Model-based development for mastering complex, embedded and interacting systems
The goal of the Collaborative Embedded Systems project (CrESt) is to create a comprehensive framework for the development of collaborative embedded systems. These systems are characterized by the fact that they merge together at runtime to form a unit, much like a colony of vehicles on the highway. In the future, such systems will all be characterized as collaborative. This type of system merging can be planned as early as the development phase. CrESt is taking on this new type of challenge and is supporting German industry by using these innovative systems to create a key competitive advantage in these important and promising fields of application.
The major challenges in developing collaborative systems stem from the complexity of the individual systems, from the open and ambiguous context in which the systems operate, and which to some extent is unknown at runtime, and from the connected system components that dynamically form at runtime, which together with humans, form a complex interrelationship that is difficult to manage in the design phase and at runtime. The aim of the Collaborative Embedded Systems project (CrESt) is to contribute solutions to help address these challenges and to create a key competitive advantage for German industry in these important and promising fields of application.
01.02.2017 - 30.04.2020