DetNetWiFi is an ns-3 framework based on the fortiss TSNWiFi TSN/Wi-Fi6 realistic demonstrator. The simulation framework considers overlapping Wi-Fi 6 networks (multi-AP environments) interconnecting with a fixed (Ethernet/TSN) core, to support advanced IoT applications, e.g., high-definition video.
The framework holds the following components:
- Modelling of TSN endpoints and TSN enabled switches interconnected to TSN WLAN regions. Multiple TSN end-points interconnected to 2 TSN-enabled switches; a switch interconnects to a TSN WLAN region. See TSNWiFi example. On the wired part, integrates a Time-aware Shaper.
- TWT-based time-aware scheduling.
- Timing Model providing support for Clocks per node. This block provides individual node clocks, to model synchronisation aspects. On the wired region, each node can therefore synchronise its own local clock to the IEEE 1588 Grandmaster clock residing on one of the switches. Each of the wireless nodes also contains a local clock.
- Fine Time Measurement protocol based synchronisation, as Documentation, Fine Time Measurement protocol based synchronization. The framework holds the FTM-PTP synchronisation proposal developed in the context of the fortiss project TSNWiFi. The FTM code (synchronisation) has been adapted from the TU Berlin FTM code for localization.