Bitkom web conference

A pragmatic approach to enterprise architectures

The Bitkom web conference scheduled for February 9, 2022 is drawing its inspiration from the classic drama! Under the title Enterprise Architectures: A Drama in Five Acts?, the Bitkom working groups Software Engineering & Software Architecture and Digital Design will provide up-to-date presentations on the topic of enterprise architectures. Contributing from fortiss is Peter Kuhn from the Open Data and Information Management field of competence with a presentation on the topic of enterprise architecture management in the public sector.

The Bitkom working groups Software Engineering & Software Architecture and Digital Design reach out to experts who possess an in-depth understanding of digitalization technologies. They provide an opportunity for networking and information sharing among specialists in the areas of software architectures, requirements engineering, testing and project/product management.

These two working groups focus on conventional software engineering, which serves as the basis for discussing principles, methods, tools and architectures in order to successfully address the challenges of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and cloud infrastructures in real environments.

Are enterprise IT organizations facing a paradigm change?

This new Bitkom conference will place its focus on implementing digitalization in the enterprise, a process that poses a significant risk of cyber attacks and data privacy violations if not prudently approached. To guide and support companies through this process, the idea is to rely more heavily on enterprise architecture management (EAM).

Many existing EAM methods and approaches make sense, but only with a corresponding superstructure and the integration of EAM into the departments and the enterprise process. Genuine added-value for the entire company can be created only with a realignment of the IT organization, a redefinition of the necessary expertise and a mindset change in the EAM functions.

fortiss: digitalization specialist for the public sector

In Act 2 of the Drama, fortiss scientist Peter Kuhn will talk about the use of EAM in the public sector and the resulting findings. Over the past year, the Research Institute of the Free State of Bavaria for software-intensive systems has provided scientific support to FITKO - a German government organization involved in IT planning at the federal level – in managing the architecture of the federal and state e-government infrastructure. A key challenge of this EAM lies in the intelligent linking of existing, decentralized federal IT systems. To do this FITKO is following a government as a platform approach.

While this approach brings with it major opportunities, it nevertheless has its own challenges. Peter Kuhn will use his presentation to discuss these challenges, plus initial ideas for overcoming them, before then coming back around to EAM:  Is the platformization of decentralized infrastructures a classic EAM approach or does it call for new tools and methods?

The other acts of the drama will cover the following topics:

Act 1 – A Plea for Pragmatic EAM! Mathias Niederau, FIR e.V. at  RWTH University in Aachen

Act 3 – Lightning Talk: Minimum Viable EAM for AI Systems, Christan Schiller, Deutsche Telekom IT GmbH

Act 4- Lightning Talk: It Lives or Dies With the Team, Hendrik Ebbers, Karakun AG

Act 5 – Building the Future! David Gilbert and Marco Dillenburg, DB Systel GmbH

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