Algorithms and Tools

Jörn Migge , Patricia Balbastre , Simon Barner , Franck Chauvel , Silviu S. Craciunas , Alexander Diewald , Guy Durrieu , Oystein Haugen , Ali Abbas Jaffari Syed , Claire Pagetti , Ramon Serna Oliver und Anatoly Vasilevskiy


August 2018 · DOI: 10.1201/9781351117821-5


This chapter introduces the algorithms and tools to support the design and verification activities of the model driven development process. In addition, the scheduling and configuration algorithms are described to support different scheduling domains of the DREAMS architecture. This chapter begins with Section 5.1.2, which describes variability and design space exploration in the design of mixed-criticality systems. In Section 5.2, scheduling algorithms at different levels, e.g., partition level, task level, on-chip and off-chip communication are elaborated. Adaptation strategies is another topic which is covered in Section 5.3. Recovery strategies, transition modes for faster switching and algorithms for online admission of tasks in offline scheduling tables are described in this section. Timing analysis is described in Section 5.4 at different levels and Section 5.5 describes by the tools. At the Section 5.6 three toolchain use cases are presented that help to apply the toolchain.

Stichworte: AutoFOCUS3, design-space exploration, DSE, architecture synthesis, HW/SW co-design, model-based systems engineering, MbSE