Supercap-Python: An Open-source Python based Super capacitor Modelling Package

Venkatesh Pampana , Daniel Lavin , Markus Duchon und Ankit Srivastava

ICGET 2021,

Juli 2021


Supercapacitors have attained high power density and exceptional durability with the recent advancement in terms of their materials and chemistries. The potential scientific and industrial applications of supercapacitors are being explored continually. This instigates the need for model-based analysis and synthesis tools, which can describe dynamic phenomena, support multiphysics problems, and allow for immediate use in design and advanced control analysis. For these aspects, modelling of supercapacitors would be beneficial. However, there are no open-source simulation tools on supercapacitors available for the scientific community to work with. This paper presents the development of an open-source supercapacitor modelling package in python language. The proposed package is evaluated by comparing the results with a standard MATLAB/Simulink supercapacitor model. The simulation results have shown that both models yielded similar envelope.