Sebastian Voss


Liste als BibTeX-Datei exportieren

  • Februar 2022 Exploring Architectural Design Decisions in Industry 4.0: A Literature Review and Taxonomy Tarik Terzimehić , Kirill Dorofeev und Sebastian Voss In Software Engineering 2022 - Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, Februar 2022. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). Details DOI BIB
  • Oktober 2021 Exploring Architectural Design Decisions in Industry 4.0: A Literature Review and Taxonomy Tarik Terzimehić , Kirill Dorofeev und Sebastian Voss In ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), Oktober 2021. IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • September 2021 Towards Service Deployment and Composition in Industry 4.0 Tarik Terzimehić , Kirill Dorofeev , Sebastian Bergemann , Alois Zoitl und Sebastian Voss In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA), September 2021. IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • Juli 2020 Hardware architecture exploration: automatic exploration of distributed automotive hardware architectures Johannes Eder , Sebastian Voss , Andreas Bayha , Alexandru Ipatiov und Maged Khalil Software and Systems Modeling, 19():911–934, Juli 2020. Details DOI BIB
  • September 2019 SMT-Based Deployment Calculation in Industrial Automation Domain Tarik Terzimehić , Monika Wenger , Sebastian Voss , Sten Grüner und Haitham Elfham In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA), September 2019. IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • September 2019 Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS 2018) - Workshop Report Tomas Bures , Danny Weyns , Bradley Schmerl , John Fitzgerald , Adina Aniculaesei , Christian Berger , Joao Cambeiro , Jan Carlson , Shafiul Azam Chowdhury , Marian Daun , Nianyu Li , Matthias Markthaler , Claudio Menghi , Birgit Penzenstadler , Aedan Pettit , Robert Pettit , Luca Sabatucci , Christos Tranoris , Hans Vangheluwe , Sebastian Voss und Edith Zavala SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 44(4):11–13, September 2019. Details DOI BIB
  • Juni 2019 Model-based methodology for space vehicles Sergey Zverlov , Sebastian Voss , Thomas Böhm , Hans-Jürgen Herpel und Mladen Kerep In Proceedings of the Eurospace Annual Conference on Data Systems in Aerospace (DASIA), Juni 2019. Details BIB
  • 2019 ExplicitCase: Tool-support for Creating and Maintaining Assurance Arguments Integrated with System Models Vivek Nigam , Alexandros Tsalidis , Sebastian Voss und Carmen Cârlan In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), 2019. Details DOI BIB
  • Oktober 2018 [T3] Develop your Own Car Levi Lúcio , Sebastian Voss , Tatiana Chuprina , Andreas Bayha , Johannes Eder und Sudeep Kanav Oktober 2018. Details URL BIB
  • Oktober 2018 From deployment to platform exploration: automatic synthesis of distributed automotive hardware architectures Johannes Eder , Andreas Bayha , Sebastian Voss , Alexandru Ipatiov und Maged Khalil In Proceedings of the 21th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Seiten 438–446, Oktober 2018. ACM, Details DOI BIB
  • August 2018 Using Design Space Exploration to Calculate Deployment Configurations of IEC 61499-based Systems Tarik Terzimehić , Sebastian Voss und Monika Wenger In 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2018), August 2018. IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • Mai 2018 Handling system complexity in sCPS: usable design space exploration Sebastian Voss und Johannes Eder In 2018 IEEE/ACM 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS), Seiten 2–5, Mai 2018. IEEE, Details DOI BIB
  • April 2018 Applying DSE for Solving the Deployment Problem in Industry 4.0 Tarik Terzimehić , Sebastian Voss , Monika Wenger und Vincent Aravantinos In 14th Dagstuhl Workshop on Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems (MBEES), April 2018. fortiss GmbH. Details BIB
  • März 2018 Architecture Exploration for Safety-Critical Systems Alexander Diewald , Simon Barner und Sebastian Voss In Proceedings of the DATE Workshop on New Platforms for Future Cars: Current and Emerging Trends (NPCAR), März 2018. Details BIB
  • März 2018 Formal analysis of feature degradation in fault-tolerant automotive systems Klaus Becker , Sebastian Voss und Bernhard Schätz Science of Computer Programming, 154(1):89–133, März 2018. Details DOI BIB
  • Februar 2018 Using IEC 61499 Models for Automatic Network Configuration of Distributed Automation Systems Ben Schneider , Sebastian Voss , Monika Wenger und Alois Zoitl In 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathmatical Modelling (MATHMOD2018), Februar 2018. Details PDF BIB
  • September 2017 Bringing DSE to life: exploring the design space of an industrial automotive use case Johannes Eder , Sergey Zverlov , Sebastian Voss , Maged Khalil und Alexandru Ipatiov In 2017 ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), Seiten 270–280, September 2017. IEEE, Details DOI BIB
  • September 2017 ExplicitCase: Integrated Model-based Development of System and Safety Cases Carmen Cârlan , Simon Barner , Alexander Diewald , Alexandros Tsalidis und Sebastian Voss In Proceedings of the SAFECOMP 2017 Workshops ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, TELERISE, and TIPS, Band 10489 von LNCS, Seiten 52 – 63, September 2017. Springer. Details DOI BIB
  • 2017 Towards a Model-driven Performance Prediction Approach for Internet of Things Architectures Johannes Kroß , Sebastian Voss und Helmut Krcmar Open Journal of Internet Of Things, 3(1):136-141, 2017. Details URL BIB
  • Oktober 2016 Usable Design Space Exploration in AutoFOCUS3 Johannes Eder und Sebastian Voss In Joint Proceedings of the 12th Educators Symposium (EduSymp 2016) and 3rd International Workshop on Open Source Software for Model Driven Engineering (OSS4MDE 2016) co-located with MODELS 2016, Seiten 51–58, Oktober 2016. CEUR-WS. Details URL BIB
  • April 2016 Schedule synthesis for multi-period SW components Sebastian Voss , Johannes Eder und Bernhard Schätz In SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition, April 2016. SAE International. Details DOI BIB
  • Januar 2016 A Formal Model and Analysis of Feature Degradation in Fault-Tolerant Systems Klaus Becker und Sebastian Voss In 4th Int. Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems (FTSCS), Paris, France, Januar 2016. Details DOI BIB
  • 2016 A Lightweight Design Space Exploration and Optimization Language Alexander Diewald , Sebastian Voss und Simon Barner In Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES '16), Seiten 190–193, New York, NY, USA, 2016. ACM. Details DOI BIB
  • April 2015 Safety Case Driven Model-Based Systems Construction Sebastian Voss , Carmen Cârlan , Bernhard Schätz und Tim Kelly In Proceedings of the 2nd International IFIP Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC 2015), April 2015. Details URL BIB
  • 2015 Analyzing Graceful Degradation for Mixed Critical Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems Klaus Becker und Sebastian Voss In 18th IEEE Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), 2015. IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • 2015 AutoFOCUS 3: Tooling Concepts for Seamless, Model-based Development of Embedded Systems Vincent Aravantinos , Sebastian Voss , Sabine Teufl , Florian Hölzl und Bernhard Schätz In ACES-MB&WUCOR@MoDELS 2015, ., 1508 Ausgabe, 2015. Details URL BIB
  • 2015 Automating Design-Space Exploration: Optimal Deployment of Automotive SW-Components in an ISO26262 Context Bernhard Schätz , Sergey Zverlov und Sebastian Voss In Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2015 52st ACM/EDAC/IEEE, 2015. Details DOI BIB
  • Februar 2014 Design Space Exploration and its Visualization in AutoFOCUS3 Sebastian Voss , Johannes Eder und Florian Hölzl In Software Engineering (Workshops), Seiten 57–66, Februar 2014. Details URL BIB
  • 2014 A Pattern-based Approach towards Modular Safety Analysis and Argumentation Maged Khalil , Bernhard Schätz und Sebastian Voss In Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Conference (ERTS 2014), Toulouse, France, 2014. Details BIB
  • 2014 Design Space Exploration in AutoFOCUS3 - An Overview Sebastian Voss und Sergey Zverlov In Vladimír Mařík , JoseL. Martinez Lastra und Petr Skobelev , Editor, IFIP First International Workshop on Design Space Exploration of Cyber-Physical Systems, 2014. Springer, Details BIB
  • 2014 Practitioners' and Researchers' Expectations on Design Space Exploration for Multicore Systems in the Automotive and Avionics Domains: A Survey Philipp Diebold , Constanza Lampasona , Sergey Zverlov und Sebastian Voss In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Seiten 1:1–1:10, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM. Details DOI BIB
  • 2014 Synthesis of Pareto Efficient Technical Architectures for Multi-core Systems Sergey Zverlov und Sebastian Voss In Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE 38th International, 2014. Details DOI BIB
  • Juni 2013 Sicher steuern mit Multicore-Prozessoren Simon Barner , Jia Huang und Sebastian Voss Computer & Automation, ():24-29, Juni 2013. Details URL BIB
  • Mai 2013 Model-Based Safety Cases in AutoFOCUS3 (Tool Demonstration) Tim Kelly , Carmen Cârlan und Sebastian Voss In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2013), Mai 2013. Details URL BIB
  • April 2013 Deployment and Scheduling Synthesis for Mixed-Critical Shared Memory Applications Sebastian Voss und Bernhard Schätz In Proceedings of the Engineering Computer-Based Systems Conference (ECBS '13), Seiten 100–109, Phoenix, AZ, USA, April 2013. IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • April 2013 Seamless Model-based Development of Embedded Systems with AF3 Phoenix Sebastian Voss , Antoaneta Kondeva , Daniel Ratiu und Bernhard Schätz In Tool demonstration on the 20th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS), Seiten 212, April 2013. Details DOI BIB
  • 2013 Emergency Shutdown System Demonstrator using AutoFOCUS3 Anton Hattendorf und Sebastian Voss In Proceedings of the W8 Workshop on Industry-Driven Approaches for Cost-effective Certification of Safety-Critical, Mixed-Criticality Systems (WICERT) (co-located with DATE), 2013. Details BIB
  • 2013 Methods and tools for reducing certification costs of mixed-criticality applications on multi-core platforms: the RECOMP approach Paul Pop , Leonidas Tsiopoulos , Sebastian Voss , Oscar Slotosch , Christoph Ficek , Ulrik Nyman und Alejandra Ruiz Lopez In Proceedings of the W8 Workshop on Industry-Driven Approaches for Cost-effective Certification of Safety-Critical, Mixed-Criticality Systems (WICERT) (co-located with DATE), 2013. Details URL BIB
  • 2013 Towards Modular Certification using Integrated Model-Based Safety Cases Sebastian Voss , Bernhard Schätz , Maged Khalil und Carmen Cârlan In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Verification and Assurance (VeriSure 2013) (co-located with CAV), 2013. Springer. Details URL BIB
  • Februar 2012 Scheduling shared memory multicore architectures in AutoFOCUS3 using Satisfiability Modulo Theories Sebastian Voss und Bernhard Schätz In Tagungsband - Dagstuhl-Workshop MBEES: Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme VIII, MBEES 2012, Februar 2012. Details URL BIB