Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS 2018) - Workshop Report

Tomas Bures , Danny Weyns , Bradley Schmerl , John Fitzgerald , Adina Aniculaesei , Christian Berger , Joao Cambeiro , Jan Carlson , Shafiul Azam Chowdhury , Marian Daun , Nianyu Li , Matthias Markthaler , Claudio Menghi , Birgit Penzenstadler , Aedan Pettit , Robert Pettit , Luca Sabatucci , Christos Tranoris , Hans Vangheluwe , Sebastian Voss und Edith Zavala

SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 44(4):11–13

September 2019 · DOI: 10.1145/3364452.3364465


Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (sCPS) are a novel kind of Cyber- Physical System engineered to take advantage of large-scale cooperation between devices, users and environment to achieve added value in the face of uncertainty and changing environments. Examples of sCPS include modern traffic systems, Industry 4.0 systems, systems for smart buildings, and smart energy grids. The uniting aspect of all these systems is that to achieve their high level of intelligence, adaptivity and ability to optimize and learn, they rely heavily on software. This makes them software-intensive systems, where software becomes their most complex part. Engineering sCPS thus becomes a recognized software engineering discipline, which, due to specifics of sCPS, can only partially rely on the existing body of knowledge in software engineering. In fact, it turns out that many of the traditional approaches to architecture modeling and software development fall short in their ability to cope with the high dynamicity and uncertainty of sCPS. This calls for innovative approaches that jointly reflect and address the specifics of such systems. This paper maps the discussions and results of the Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS 2018), which focuses on challenges and promising solutions in the area of software engineering for sCPS.

Stichworte: cyber-physical systems, software engineering, Model-based Systems Engineering, MbSE