fortiss wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Veröffentlichungen, Zeitschriftenaufsätze und Broschüren mit Ergebnissen aus dem Institut

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

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  • Oktober 2020 Formalizing Traffic Rules for Machine Interpretability Klemens Esterle, Luis Gressenbuch und Alois Knoll In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Connected and Automated Vehicles Symposium (CAVS), Victoria, B.C. Canada, Details BIB
  • Oktober 2020 Graph Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning for Behavior Generation in Semantic Environments Patrick Hart und Alois Knoll In In Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Details BIB
  • Oktober 2020 Optimal Behavior Planning for Autonomous Driving: A Generic Mixed-Integer Formulation Klemens Esterle, Tobias Kessler und Alois Knoll In Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Details BIB
  • September 2020 FASTEN.Safe: A Model-Driven Engineering Tool to Experiment with Checkable Assurance Cases Carmen Cârlan und Daniel Ratiu In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP), Band 12234 von LNCS, Seiten 298–306, Springer. Details DOI BIB
  • September 2020 A Safety Case Pattern for Systems with Machine Learning Components Ernest Wozniak, Carmen Cârlan, Esra Acar-Celik und Henrik J. Putzer In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP), Band 12235 von LNCS, Seiten 370–382, Springer. Details DOI BIB
  • September 2020 An Ontology-based Metamodel for Capability Descriptions Michael Weser, Jürgen Bock, Siwara Schmitt, Alexander Perzylo und Kathrin Evers In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA), Seiten 1679–1685, Vienna, Austria, Details DOI BIB
  • September 2020 Firefighter Virtual Reality Simulation for Personalized Stress Detection Sören Klingner, Zhiwei Han, Yuanting Liu, Fang Fang, Bashar Altakrouri, Bruno Michel, Jonas R. M. Weiss, Arvind Sridhar und Sophie Mai Chau In the 43rd German Conference on AI, Seiten 343-347, Springer. Details BIB
  • September 2020 Generation of Co-simulation Algorithms Subject to Simulator Contracts Cláudio Gomes, Casper Thule, Levi Lúcio, Hans Vangheluwe und Peter Gorm Larsen In Software Engineering and Formal Method (SEFM 2019), Band 12226 von LNCS, Springer, Cham. Details DOI BIB
  • September 2020 Information-centric Routing for Opportunistic Wireless Networks - draft-mendes-icnrg-dabber-05 Paulo M. Mendes, Rute C. Sofia, Vassilis Tsaoussidis und Carlos Borrego IETF Network Working Group draft, experimental, ():, September 2020. Details URL BIB
  • September 2020 Less Manual Work for Safety Engineers: Towards an Automated Safety Reasoning with Safety Patterns (Application Paper) Yuri Gil Dantas, Antoaneta Kondeva und Vivek Nigam In 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), Rende, Italy, Details BIB