fortiss wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Veröffentlichungen, Zeitschriftenaufsätze und Broschüren mit Ergebnissen aus dem Institut

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

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  • Dezember 2016 embSFI: An Approach for Software Fault Isolation in Embedded Systems Andreas Ruhland , Christian Prehofer und Oliver Horst In Marcus Völp , Paulo Esteves-Verissimo , Antonio Casimiro und Rodolfo Pellizzoni , Editor, 1st Workshop on Security and Dependability of Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems, Seiten 6–11, Porto, Portugal, Dezember 2016. IEEE, Details URL BIB
  • November 2016 Comparably Evaluating Communication Performance within Mixed-Criticality Systems Keegan Napier , Oliver Horst und Christian Prehofer In 4th International Workshop on Mixed Criticality Systems (WMC), Porto, Portugal, November 2016. Details URL BIB
  • November 2016 Modeling and Simulating Apache Spark Streaming Applications Johannes Kroß und Helmut Krcmar Softwaretechnik-Trends, 36(4):, November 2016. Details URL BIB
  • Oktober 2016 Decomposition of Design Space Exploration Problems in the Context of model-based Development Sergey Zverlov In Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium at the 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference of Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2016), Oktober 2016. CEUR. Details URL BIB
  • Oktober 2016 Intuitive Instruction of Industrial Robots: Semantic Process Descriptions for Small Lot Production Alexander Perzylo , Nikhil Somani , Stefan Profanter , Ingmar Kessler , Markus Rickert und Alois Knoll In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Seiten 2293–2300, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Oktober 2016. Details URL DOI BIB
  • Oktober 2016 Sicherheitsaspekte von Industrie 4.0 Andreas Reidt , Markus Duchon und Helmut Krcmar In Tagungsband Smarte Fabrik & Smarte Arbeit – Industrie 4.0 gewinnt Kontur VPP2016 – Vernetzt planen und produzieren, Seiten 445-456, Oktober 2016. Technische Universität Chemnitz Institut für Betriebswissenschaften und Fabriksysteme, Müller, Bullinger-Hoffmann. Details BIB
  • Oktober 2016 Task Level Robot Programming using Prioritized Non-Linear Inequality Constraints Nikhil Somani , Markus Rickert , Andre Gaschler , Caixia Cai , Alexander Perzylo und Alois Knoll In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Seiten 430–437, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Oktober 2016. Details URL DOI BIB
  • Oktober 2016 Usable Design Space Exploration in AutoFOCUS3 Johannes Eder und Sebastian Voss In Joint Proceedings of the 12th Educators Symposium (EduSymp 2016) and 3rd International Workshop on Open Source Software for Model Driven Engineering (OSS4MDE 2016) co-located with MODELS 2016, Seiten 51–58, Oktober 2016. CEUR-WS. Details URL BIB
  • September 2016 An Adaptive Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller for Longitudinal Motion of Automated Vehicles Martin Buechel und Alois Knoll In 2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), September 2016. IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • September 2016 Building Product-lines of Mixed-Criticality Systems Simon Barner , Alexander Diewald , Fernando Eizaguirre , Anatoly Vasilevskiy und Franck Chauvel In Proceedings of the Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL 2016), Bremen, Germany, September 2016. IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • September 2016 Interconnecting Product and Process Information to Enable Personalized Production Hendrik Walzel und Nadine Keddis Procedia CIRP, 52():186 - 191, September 2016. Details URL DOI BIB